Merry Christmas

12:41 AM

Merry Christmas everyone!
I'm in a merry mood today and a little bit earlier too.
Although, I felt like crying... don't know why exactly.
I guess it's because of me, missing my friends.

Oh well, it's also my "Labs/Bestfriend" birthday today.
Yes, December 25 ^__^
Happy birthday Christine! ♥

*fiddles with my invisible tie*
Okay. So I just want to greet you again, 
A very merry Christmas!
& I want to greet Jesus Christ.
Happy birthday :)

I just finished eating lots and lots of food.
Right now, I was full and just a bit drowsy...

I'm already sleepy. Ok. This will be a short post today.
Ja ne' 

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson


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